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Clean-Up Day – 4 April 2019

by | Apr 30, 2019 | Blog

On 4 April 2019, Uravu Eco Links organised a Clean-Up Day in the streets surrounding our office in Thrikkaipetta, Wayanad. The main objective of this special day was to raise awareness among the local community that the waste problem can be solved.

The waste that was collected on 4 April included rubbish lying on the streetsand debris from the aftermathof the floods that devastated Kerala in 2018. After the floods, waste was collected and piled up at the sides of the streets. Most of the bags of waste were not properly separated, so our team had to open them all to checkthe contents.

Thanks to the twelve members of our team and the three locals who joined the effort, this event was a true success.

About 8,000 litres of waste were collected, which was then sorted into 80 bags:

  • 62 bags of PLASTIC
  • 3 bags of PAPER
  • 6 bags of GLASS
  • 1 bag of METAL
  • 2 bags of LEATHER / SHOES
  • 7 bags of other waste.

The most common types of waste collected were plastic bottles, candy wrappers, decomposed plastic and shoes.

Some more unusual waste items were light bulbs, a helmet, toys, baby nappies and food waste.

We fervently hope that this story will inspire you to take action in order to make our world a cleaner place!

In the name of Uravu Eco Links we would like to thank everyone who participated or followed this event for the great day and for their valuable support!


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