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The Bamboo Grove is located in Thrikkaipetta, a village with around 4000 inhabitants, in the district of Wayanad in Kerala. The nearest large town is Kalpetta with a population of 30,000. Tourism in Wayanad has increased in the past ten years. Tourists come to experience the natural beauty of the region. There are many tourism sites around Thrikkaipetta. There are lakes, waterfalls and wildlife sanctuaries, caves with prehistoric rock carvings and many hiking trails.

Wayanad is a district in the Indian State of Kerala, which is located on the south western coast of India, bordering Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. Compared to other Indian states, Kerala has a very high literacy rate (over 90%) and the highest Human Development Index in India, similar to that of many developed countries, but with a lower per capita income. Due to a high unemployment rate, many Keralites work abroad, mainly in the Middle East. Traditionally Wayanad was an agrarian state. In the past ten years there has been an increase in tourism activities. The Department of Tourism had identified Wayanad as one of the four locations for implementing responsible tourism initiatives in Kerala.

You can locate the main tourism spots of Wayanad and the directions to the spots through our map facility
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